Machine Tool Gauge Certification and Calibration Services

Machine Tool Force Gauges
TAC Rockford's in-house inspection lab certifies ForceCheck drawbar, chuck force, and other force gauges. Our test stand is certified at a NIST traceable laboratory.

Machine Tool Taper Inspection
TAC Rockford can inspect tool holder tapers for most HSK and steep taper sizes. Contact us for more information.

Runout Arbor Certification
TAC Rockford offers certification services for our runout arbors, as well as those from other manufacturers.
Contact us for more information
To make an inquiry, use this form and we will get back to you
as soon as we can. To send photos or more information, please
email us
with any attachments.
Telephone: 815-962-5600
Fax: 815-962-4600
Location: 304 North Main Street, Suite 104, Rockford, IL 61101 USA
Email: infο@ΤΑCRοckfοrd.cοm