G. Bee Replacement Parts Service

G. Bee Replacement Parts Service

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In most cases, Transatlantic Connection, Inc. can supply new, original replacement parts from G. Bee through our European and Asian Parts Service.

Please contact us with the nameplate information (manufacturer, part number, serial number, etc.) for the part you are looking for. We will check with G. Bee to see if the part is available, and provide a quotation to you.

Transatlantic Connection’s Parts Service can help you get parts quickly and easily, without having to deal with overseas communication, payment, and shipping headaches. While we are not typically the official representative for a manufacturer, our global logistics network can quickly obtain virtually any "overseas" replacement part quickly and cost-effectively.

To learn more about our European and Asian Parts Service, please visit our Overview and Frequently Asked Questions pages.

What exactly is your Spare Parts Service?
Transatlantic Connection supplies spare parts originating from Europe and Asia. We aren't the official US representative for most of the companies we supply parts for, but we can get the parts quickly and cost-effectively through our global network of suppliers and shipping companies. Buying those hard-to-find overseas parts from us is easy -- we handle all the international communication, payment, and shipping issues for you.

What information do I need to provide to you?
The more information the better. Typically, we would like to have whatever information can be found on the nameplate, but we need at least the manufacturer's name and part number. Information we would like to have when it is available/appropriate: serial number, town of manufacture, ratio (for gearboxes), electrical information (voltage, frequency, etc.)

Are you the official representative for all these companies?
Transatlantic Connection is the US representative for many companies, but we do not officially represent most of the companies we are able to supply replacement parts for.

Can I get parts faster than you have quoted? 
Generally, yes. Parts typically arrive in the US via our weekly consolidated shipment, but we can coordinate a special shipment to save a few days. In extremely urgent cases, we are also able to arrange courier service. Should a critical spare part not be in stock at the manufacturer, we will also work with them to expedite production if possible.

Are you supplying the original part, or a substitute?
Transatlantic Connection supplies the original manufacturer part. If the original is no longer available, we will work with the manufacturer of the part to identify a suitable replacement.

Can you provide technical support for products?
For companies we represent, our technical staff in Rockford, IL is available to provide support. For parts from other manufacturers, our technical support team may not have the answer, but will work with the manufacturer to provide needed support. We are typically not able to provide technical support for parts not supplied by our company. 

Will I be billed separately for international inbound freight, customs clearing, and duty costs?
In almost all cases, our quote to you includes all costs related to international shipment -- we won't surprise you with high additional charges at invoice. You only need to pay for the part and to get it from Rockford, Illinois to your location. In some cases, we may quote certain costs separately. If this is the case, the costs will be clearly shown on the quote.

Can you get "proprietary" parts?
Sometimes parts are custom-designed for a particular OEM. If this is the case, the parts are usually only available from the OEM. In certain instances, we are able to supply parts, so please contact us with information for your specific part.

Do you stock parts?
While we do stock some items, most items need to come from the manufacturer.

What types of parts are available?
Virtually any type of component is available. We have supplied parts for most typical industrial equipment, but also some unusual ones -- hydroelectric plants, ski lifts, wind turbines, and ships.

From what countries can you get parts?
Our supply chain is strongest in Germany, the UK, Japan, and Korea, but we can obtain parts from virtually all European and Asian countries.

The nameplate on my part is all in a foreign language. I don't know what number is what!
Send us a photo of the nameplate. Several of our staff members are multi-lingual and can help with translation.

How long do I have to wait for a quote?
For some items we have price lists, allowing us to quote right away. However, for most items, we need to check with the manufacturer for current pricing and lead time. Because of international time changes, this process typically takes at least a day, but can take longer depending on the time the manufacturer needs to calculate pricing.

Can you repair parts?
We can typically coordinate repair at the manufacturer. If a part is deemed unrepairable, we will only invoice for the shipment cost to the manufacturer and any evaluation charge they have.

What is the warranty on parts I purchase from Transatlantic Connection?
We extend the same warranty as the manufacturer of the part. Contact us for specifics on a particular part.

Downloads & Resources

Download PDF (3-Way Switch Ball Valves (MW17-3))
3-Way Switch Ball Valves (MW17-3)
Three-way cross over ball valve.
Download PDF (Ball Valves, Brass (984))
Ball Valves, Brass (984)
Brass ball valves for drinking water, gas, heating, and industrial needs.
Download PDF (Ball Valves, Carbon Steel (87S PN100))
Ball Valves, Carbon Steel (87S PN100)
Ball valves in carbon steel. Two-pieces with mounting flange.
Download PDF (Drinking Water Ball Valves, Stainless Steel (835))
Drinking Water Ball Valves, Stainless Steel (835)
Drinking water ball valves made of stainless steel.
Download PDF (Excess Flow Safety Valve, Steel (GSW57))
Excess Flow Safety Valve, Steel (GSW57)
Approved acc. DVGW-VP 305-1 (Dec. 2007) in line with TRGI 2008.
Download PDF (Flange-ball Valves, Carbon Steel (71-OBSOLETE))
Flange-ball Valves, Carbon Steel (71-OBSOLETE)
Flange-ball valves in carbon steel PN 16-40, DN15-DN100 (Obsolete product).
Download PDF (Flange-ball Valves, Stainless Steel (71E-OBSOLETE))
Flange-ball Valves, Stainless Steel (71E-OBSOLETE)
Flange-ball valves in stainless steel PN 16-40, DN15-DN100 (Obsolete product).
Download PDF (Flanged Ball Valve With TAS, Cast Iron (KSN75-TAS))
Flanged Ball Valve With TAS, Cast Iron (KSN75-TAS)
Flanged ball valves from spheroidal graphite cast iron with TAS (TAE).
Download PDF (Flanged Ball Valves, Cast Iron (KSN75-B))
Flanged Ball Valves, Cast Iron (KSN75-B)
Flanged ball valves PN 16 made of spheroidal graphite cast iron (GGG40).
Download PDF (Flanged Ball Valves, Cast Iron (KSN77-B))
Flanged Ball Valves, Cast Iron (KSN77-B)
Flanged ball valves PN 16 made of spheroidal graphite cast iron (GGG40).
Download PDF (Gas Ball Valves, Brass (60))
Gas Ball Valves, Brass (60)
Brass gas ball valves with full port design (heavy design).
Download PDF (Gas Ball Valves, Brass (84))
Gas Ball Valves, Brass (84)
Brass ball valves with full port design.
Download PDF (Gas Meter Ball Valve Opt.GSW (GZH30/GZH31/GZH32))
Gas Meter Ball Valve Opt.GSW (GZH30/GZH31/GZH32)
Gas meter ball valves with optional excess flow safety valve GSW.
Download PDF (Gas Meter Ball Valve With TAS (GZH32-TAS))
Gas Meter Ball Valve With TAS (GZH32-TAS)
Gas meter ball valves with TAS ( TAE ) for 2 pipe gas meter.
Download PDF (Gas Safety Valve (GSW56-OBSOLETE))
Gas Safety Valve (GSW56-OBSOLETE)
DVGW-VP 305-1(Dezember 2007), DVGW-G (DG - 4360 BP0172)
Download PDF (Gas Shut-Off Valves (GAH20-D))
Gas Shut-Off Valves (GAH20-D)
Gas connection valve with TAS.
Download PDF (Mounting Kits For TAS23 And KSN 75 TAS (MS2))
Mounting Kits For TAS23 And KSN 75 TAS (MS2)
Screw bolts with extension shank from high-temperature resistant steel.
Download PDF (Order Code)
Order Code
Type overview and order code
Download PDF (Sleeve Ball Valves With TAS, Brass (998NG-TAS))
Sleeve Ball Valves With TAS, Brass (998NG-TAS)
Threaded shut-off valve with integrated TAS.
Download PDF (Sleeve Valve With TAS, Brass (84-TAS))
Sleeve Valve With TAS, Brass (84-TAS)
Threaded shut-off valve with integrated TAS.
Download PDF (Thermally Released Shut-off Valve (TAS21 IG/AG))
Thermally Released Shut-off Valve (TAS21 IG/AG)
Thermally triggering valve (TAE with EU patent application). Body made of galvanized steel with integrated thermally released valve body (cartridge), corrosion-resistant version.
Download PDF (Thermally Released Shut-off Valve (TAS22 IG/AG))
Thermally Released Shut-off Valve (TAS22 IG/AG)
Thermally triggering valve (TAE with EU patent application). Body made of galvanized steel with integrated thermally released valve body (cartridge), corrosion-resistant version.
Download PDF (Thermally Released Shut-off Valve (TAS23 BG FL/FL))
Thermally Released Shut-off Valve (TAS23 BG FL/FL)
Thermally triggering valve (TAE with EU patent application). Body made of specially nickel-plated "Novotect" steel, which is particularly corrosion and wear resistant; with an integrated thermally released closing element (screw-in star) featuring high chemical and wear resistance.
Download PDF (Threaded Ball Valve, Stainless Steel (87E PN100))
Threaded Ball Valve, Stainless Steel (87E PN100)
Stainless steel ball valves. Two pieces with mounting flange.

Instructions & Manuals

Download Instruction Manual (3-piece BEE Ball Valves)
3-piece BEE Ball Valves
Operating and assembly instructions for 3-piece BEE ball valves.
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Excess Flow Safety Valve GSW57)
BEE Excess Flow Safety Valve GSW57
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE excess flow safety valve GSW57
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Flanged Ball Valve Series 71MS And 71ME)
BEE Flanged Ball Valve Series 71MS And 71ME
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE flanged ball valve series 71MS and 71ME (Kohledichtsystem).
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Flanged Ball Valve Series 71MS Und 71M, PN16 / PN40)
BEE Flanged Ball Valve Series 71MS Und 71M, PN16 / PN40
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE flanged ball valve series 71MS und 71M, PN16 / PN40.
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Flanged Ball Valve Series MW19-3 PN16 / PN40)
BEE Flanged Ball Valve Series MW19-3 PN16 / PN40
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE flanged ball valve series MW19-3 PN16 / PN40
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Flanged Ball Valve Series MW19-3 PN16 / PN40)
BEE Flanged Ball Valve Series MW19-3 PN16 / PN40
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE flanged ball valve series MW19-3 PN16 / PN40.
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Flanged Ball Valves)
BEE Flanged Ball Valves
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE flanged ball valves in general.
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Thermal Shut-off Releases TAS21, TAS22 And TAS23)
BEE Thermal Shut-off Releases TAS21, TAS22 And TAS23
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE thermal shut-off releases TAS21, TAS22 and TAS23
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Threaded Ball Valve Series 835 Und 835.5)
BEE Threaded Ball Valve Series 835 Und 835.5
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE threaded ball valve series 835 und 835.5.
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Threaded Ball Valve Series 87E And 87S)
BEE Threaded Ball Valve Series 87E And 87S
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE threaded ball valve series 87E and 87S
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Threaded Ball Valve Series 984 Und 984D)
BEE Threaded Ball Valve Series 984 Und 984D
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE threaded ball valve series 984 und 984D.
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Threaded Ball Valve Series K84 / S84)
BEE Threaded Ball Valve Series K84 / S84
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE threaded ball valve series K84 / S84.
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Threaded Ball Valves)
BEE Threaded Ball Valves
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE threaded ball valves in general.
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Valve Series 998NG-TAS MOP5 GT1)
BEE Valve Series 998NG-TAS MOP5 GT1
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE valve series 998NG-TAS MOP5 GT1.
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Valve Series GAH20 And GAH20-TAS MOP5)
BEE Valve Series GAH20 And GAH20-TAS MOP5
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE valve series GAH20 and GAH20-TAS MOP5.
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Valve Series K84-TAS MOP5)
BEE Valve Series K84-TAS MOP5
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE valve series K84-TAS MOP5
Download Instruction Manual (BEE Valve Series KSN75-TAS)
BEE Valve Series KSN75-TAS
Operating and assembly instructions for BEE valve series KSN75-TAS.

G. Bee Replacement Part Request

If you would like a quotation for G. Bee parts, please use the form below or contact us:

Telephone: 815-962-5600
Fax: 815-962-4600
Location: 304 North Main Street, Suite 104, Rockford, IL 61101-1101 USA
Email: infο@tac.us

If you have photos of the nameplate or part to send, please e-mail them. Pictures of the nameplate can be especially helpful in identifying replacements for older parts.

Part Description
  - Model or part number
  - Serial number (if applicable)
  - Additional specifications (if applicable)
  - Telephone, fax, address info on part (if available)
Notes, comments, or other information
Your contact information
Name Position or Title
Company Mailing Address

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